
WonderCafeAdmin's picture


WonderCafe off-line tomorrow afternoon - Saturday, Oct. 3

Hi Folks, Just to let you know, WonderCafe will go off-line tomorrow afternoon (Eastern time) so we can get some security updates installed. It should only be off-line for a couple of hours. Thanks for your understanding. Everything should be back up by Saturday evening.   Thanks, Admin


Paint Your Faith's picture

Paint Your Faith

Paint Your Faith: Introduction to the Artists and the Project (video)

A quick introduction to the Paint Your Faith artists and some background on the project.


Paint Your Faith's picture

Paint Your Faith

Paint Your Faith tarp installation (video)

The official Paint Your Faith tarp being hung, covering the 30' x 60' wall donated by Metropolitan United Church in Toronto.


Mandate's picture


Mandate: Protecting Access to Clean Water

Harvey Scott, who lives in northern Alberta, has always believed that water is sacred. He was raised in the United Church and influenced by the traditions of his First Nations friends, and now water has become his passion. His mission is to preserve this precious resource, which is under siege in the watershed of the Athabasca River and Lake Athabasca, and his story is in the August issue of Mandate.



Jesse Hair's picture

Jesse Hair

Can Attending Church Improve Kids' Grades?

Back in 2002, Christianity Today published an article reporting on the effect of church attendance on the school performance of youth from low-income neighbourhoods. The study, which was commissioned by the Center for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society, examined data on almost 10,000 students pulled from the U.S. National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. The study found that the poorer a child's neighbourhood, the more potential church attendance had to boost that child's performance. Beyond this, it is not just believing, but also the practical involvement in church life, and all the support that comes with it, that makes the difference. In communities where   schools and libraries are often underfunded, and meaningful work for youth is scarce, the church tends to be the main resource-provider


 *Do you think going to church can improve kids' grades? Take the poll here.

Geez Magazine's picture

Geez Magazine

Should I Stop Calling Myself a Christian?


By Brenda Melles (From the Summer 2009 issue of Geez magazine.)
I’m debating whether to stop calling myself a Christian.
I’m not sure what triggered the temptation to abandon the label entirely. Possibly it was my friend’s latest Sunday family meal during which the conversation centered around whether or not Obama is the Antichrist. How can we be members of the same Christian tribe when I’m thinking, “Finally a leader who can inspire hope and global responsibility in millions,” and they’re thinking, “Is it possible that behind that winsome smile there are seven heads and ten horns?”
Or maybe it was hearing my friend’s roommate exclaim, “Well praise the Lord, my jeans are dry!” I am profoundly skeptical that God is involved with the intricacies of the laundry cycle.
Or perhaps it was just reading the word “Him” in a recent church circular, spookily hanging there with its capital H and no previous reference to a specific subject. Yes, it may well have been the overuse of that pronoun that finally pushed me over the edge.


Lorette C. Luzajic's picture

Lorette C. Luzajic

The Early Gates

[ An excerpt from Weird Monologues for a Rainy Life (irreverent ramblings from the end of the world), (Handymaiden Editions, 2009) by Lorette C. Luzajic, www.thegirlcanwrite.net ]


Alex Cuba's picture

Alex Cuba

Spreading Roots: Alex Cuba Builds Cuban-Canadian Connections


By Julienne Gage
Last February, concert goers of Miami’s Global Cuba Fest went wild over the discovery of the latest musical sensation Alex Cuba, an artist who fuses his Cuban roots with soulful rock. The monumental event draws Cuban talent who’ve spread to all corners of the planet, and most find themselves inspired by the chance to reunite and perform with their compatriots in the largest Cuban community this side of the Florida Strait. But Alex Cuba isn’t most Cuban artists. The experience for him? It was nice but he’s already found himself—in Smithers, a sleepy little town nestled in a valley some 14 hours from Vancouver, BC.
“Being in Canada has had an impact on my music because there’s not a Latin market. It creates a bigger space for creativity because I don’t have a reference to follow,” said the artist during a phone interview from Smithers. “I just have the music and can only hope that what I create is good. It hasn’t failed me.”


Mandate's picture


Churches Help People Eat Locally

While Canadians are captivated by the idea of trying the 100-mile diet, three United Church congregations have found innovative ways to help their members implement it and their success stories are highlighted in the current issue of Mandate.
Canadian writers Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon launched the concept of a 100-mile diet when they published their book, The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating, in 2007. The Vancouver couple spent a year buying food with ingredients from within 100 miles of their home. The idea has become a North American phenomenon as people move to reduce transportation emissions, support local farmers, and eat fresher, healthier food.


The United Church of Canada's picture

The United Chur...

WonderCafe User Survey


The United Church of Canada is evaluating its Emerging Spirit program in order to prepare a report for the church’s General Council meeting in August. This website, WonderCafe.ca, is a key part of the Emerging Spirit program.
The following survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. It is completely confidential and open to all users of WonderCafe. Once this evaluation is complete, its findings will be reported to the United Church’s General Council and posted on the church’s website.
It is our hope that all WonderCafe users will take the time to complete the survey. Your experiences and opinions are essential to helping us evaluate and learn more from the WonderCafe initiative.
Many thanks for your time and assistance!
[Sorry, survey closed on May 25, 2009.]

