Faerenach's picture



JGER is on Facebook!

News news!  JGER has unveiled its swanky new facebook page - United Action for Justice.  I highly recommend checking it regularly for dialogue and news on international and justice subjects, all hot off the desks of the United Church.


Faerenach's picture



The JGER Unit - Things I've Learned, and Why I Love My Job

This past Monday, I had my first day at UCC Head Office.  I was offered a job in the JGER - Justice, Global and Ecumenical Relations - unit.  My head is still spinning, but I know I can say something I've never said before:  I love my job.


I was thrown into things straight off the starting block - conference calls, staff meetings, M&S awareness week, etc.  I don't think I've had much time to process everything yet!  But I have learned a handful of things.  Here they are:

