chansen's picture



Richard Dawkins goes off on Romney and Mormonism

Gotta love it when Dawkins gets on a roll. He made a series of tweets on Sunday, about Mitt Romney and Mormonism. Here are the tweets:


Richard Dawkins wrote:
A gullible fool can still be a good rock star. But can a gullible fool be a good President of the world's most powerful country?


Richard Dawkins wrote:
"For behold I say unto you there be many things to come . . ." That's not 19thC English. Romney's prophet Joseph Smith was an obvious fraud


chansen's picture



Mormans stage mass resignation

In a rather fantastic move because of the publicity it generated, 150 Mormons staged a mass resignation from the LDS church yesterday. In Salt Lake City. By climbing up the same hill once climbed by Brigham Young, and shouting "Freedom!" Full style points.


chansen's picture



Posthumously Convert a Mormon into a Homosexual Mormon

In what must be a triumph of modern science and website design, it is now possible to convert dead mormons into homosexuals.  Even long-dead mormons.  Even long dead mormon men who had dozens of wives and a voracious heterosexual appetite that only a team of sister wives could ever hope to satisfy.


The Church of jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons).

Welcome to our group! We are member of The Church of Jesus christ of Latter Day Saints known by many as the " Mormons". We have approx 12 million members worldwide. We welcome you to join our group and meet fellow members. We ask that you keep Gospel standards in your speech and content. This is NOT a site for official Church doctorine. Please visit , the  official website for more information about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (you can aslo access local meethouses and meeting times from the site). Thank-you.

lovebelize's picture



praying for the dead

Is there a 'general concensus' in the United Church, about praying for the dead? Mormonism holds this belief.
