Jobam's picture



Post your church signs

The Anglican Parish of Gosford in Australia Put Up the Best Gay Rights Sign Ever

graeme's picture



This is serious - really.....

A church near me has a lighted sign that every week has some cutesy saying. This week, it's "The Magi saw Jesus. Will You?'

I presume the  intention is to attract new congregants. It won't. Anyone who's dumb enough to take such a sign seriously must already be a member of that congregation. Worse,  that won't attract new members, such a sign announces the church to every passerby as trivial, perhaps even silly And the disease appears to be spreading.

crazyheart's picture



Show Me A Sign


In the last while I have heard in the media,mention of signs.


On the news this morning, the media did a piece on a teenager who organized a Christian Rock Concert. he said he didn't know if he could succeed but he asked God along the way for signs to tell him to keep going. The concert was a success.


I watch Survivor and there is a young man on who has stayed in the game since the beginning. He prays every day for God to give him a sign what to do to stay in for the million dollars. Tonight is the finale. We shall see.

Star Stuff's picture

Star Stuff


Top 10 Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

Now I know most of you here aren't fundies, so no need to blow a gasket at this, (heck you might actually have a great laugh!), but there does seem to be some out there who this might be applicable to.

 Top 10 Signs You’re a Fundamentalist Christian:


10 - You vigorously and swiftly deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.
