crazyheart's picture



Doubting Can Be A Good Thing.

We had an explosion here yesterday morning and it has been found that there was agas leak in a ruptured pipe. If the city and Sask Energy and Sask Power had doubted that after 60 years these pipes are not in pristine shape, this might have been averted.


If people had doubted the word of one man, Jim Jones, they would not have drunk the Koolaid that led to a mass suicide in Jonestown.


If we doubted that stories we hear about friends, co-workers, clergy may not be true, we would not be part of the gossip mill.


Panentheism's picture



Can We Trust God?

Act 4:32 -35                   Can We Trust God?                Easter 2, April 19, 2009
John 20:19 -31
