Happy Retiree's picture

Happy Retiree


Harper and the Unions

I have some grave concerns about the policy of the Harper Government toward unions, specifically in regards  to the Air Canada strike and the Postal Workers.  As a person from a strong union background it is disturbing to see the total disregard for collective agreements and legal strike action.  The Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Labour, said that the back to work legislation was for Canadians.  Are not the striking workers not Canadians or are only the people who are somewhat inconvenienced by their legal job action?  Is the Harper government out to ban uni

Sarita's picture



Speak out against repression in Honduras

Attacks, jailings, and killings have been mounting in Honduras as state forces are cracking down on peaceful protesters. Canadian and Honduran officials need to be calling for peace and justice: find out how to respond on the UCC's Take Action page:  www.united-church.ca/getinvolved/takeaction/110406

graeme's picture



the gutter side of education.

I often read discussions of education that have an unreal quality to them, a point hammered home by recent experience. Let me share it so you can get a sense of the realities of education.

martinhea's picture



The Road to Hell

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions..never more true when you discover that the local government plans on legalizing home delivery of alcohol.  I heard this one on CBC the other day and thought "Boy, they just want to shove it down peoples throats don't they".  Never once did I ever hear anyone say..."I sure wish I could get someone to deliver my 6pack to the apartment...it would sure save money and time from having to run to the pesky liquor store"  I have heard people say..."I wish I could get my groceries delivered to my home, I
