sighsnootles's picture



poll today shows the conservatives and liberals tied for support

i just got this off my server... holy heck.


The latest Strategic Counsel poll, conducted between Feb. 5 and Feb. 9 for CTV and the Globe and Mail, shows that the two main parties have seen a shift in support since last October's federal election (difference in brackets):

RevMatt's picture



Explain to me again why Harper is supposed to be good at handling economic issues?

List of things he said about the economy.  At least he caught on eventually.


Myth/Fact: He said it!? PM Harper's 2008 economic comments

1. On Sept. 15, 2008, Stephen Harper said, 'My own belief is if we were going to have some kind of crash or recession, we probably would have had it by now.'

howboy's picture



Saving parliamentary democracy

Who would have thought it possible that right in Canada democracy could be assaulted so suddenly and so brazenly? We;re used to seeing this sort of thing in the developing world. Yet here we are: Stephen Harper lieing to the public, creating hysteria with rhetoric, and threatening to pervert democratic process, all for what? in order to hang on to his already tenuous minority government, elected by a mere 37.6% of Canadians.
