carolla's picture



Discussing disasters with your kids

Saw this article in the Globe & Mail this morning - Just wondering if your kids have been asking about the situation in Haiti?

jensamember's picture



Story Time

Well as I have mentioned before, I am the parent of teens...ok, well one 'offical' adult...anyway, I know our kids grow up and such and I realized what it is I miss about them being little...there are obvious things I don't miss! lol!


I have always been a 'get on the floor and play' kinda mom...very much hands on...we played in the mud together...I know it's why we are so close now...


PaulFDorion's picture



Simple "Rules" for living

Thanks for all the comments. While I do not agree with 100% of all the comments, I do appreciate them all.

This is the sign I will put up.

Welcome to our home.

We believe in simple rules for living.

Respect yourself and all other living beings

Do not lie.

Do nor hurt, by words or acts, others.

Ask permission before taking or using other people's belongings.

Enjoy life.



misty unrau's picture

misty unrau


To spank or not to spank ur kids

Ok, so I'm just wondering what other parents practice in there home and other ideas and alternatives to spanking. I believe if a spanking is warranted, then a spanking they shall get. What do u think?

somegirl's picture



The things we do for our kids

Well, I just spent and two hours standing out in the fog and drizzle and the pouring rain (and I do mean pouring rain) so my kid and his friend could watch the Parade of Lights.  My coat weighted at least 100lbs by the end of it.  All three of us were soaked to the skin (and they had umbrellas) but we had a good time.


What crazy things have you folks done for your kids?


My Kid

My 3 year old.

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