Alex's picture



Why are all the Nice Men in the World either married or straight?

 Can you tell me why this seems to be? 


(of course some would say Why are all the nice men married or gay?, or Why are all the Nice women married or straight/lesbian?0

Freundly-Giant's picture



threesome relationship?

So, the other day I was watching TV, and on a talk show, one of the audience members was explaining the relationship he was in. Apparently, he had a straight girlfriend, AND a bisexual boyfriend. This immeadiately struck me as quite weird, and I said "Isn't love supposed to be developed in an intimate relationship between two people?" And my friend gave me her death look and said, "you're one to judge, mr. gay!" How you could compare the two, i dunno. I still don't understand this triangular relationship, and I have heard of multiple cases since then.

Novantae's picture



Work out your own salvation?

Philippians 2:12 says 'work out your own salvation...with fear..for it is God what works within you'. Loosely paraphrased...

So, what does that mean for us? I hear a lot of talk about Tolle and the greatness of the Presence of Now. Is that not just the Kingdom of God within us? What about this working out salvation on your own? If Jesus died for us, for our salvation, then why do we have to work on it?

DaveHenderson's picture



What brought you to Jesus?

There are numerous threads here in the Cafe' right now talking about athiesm.  And as a byproduct of these threads, many atheists and agnostics have posted on why they have come to believe the way they do.

So let me ask the Christians out there.  What is it that brought you into a relationship with Jesus Christ, or to become a follower of Jesus?  What, for you, are the cornerstones of this relationship or your reasons for following?

God bless,

LBmuskoka's picture



Funny: Relationship Tech Support

Some one sent this to me, it made me laugh, so I share....

