crazyheart's picture



Forum Names

Church Life needs a new name. What do you think?


Questions about Different Faiths

Elanorgold's picture



Hi There, Human Connection and Isolation

Hi folks, I've been on a long break from the forum, longest ever for me, and lately my thoughts have been on the topic of whether we are all truly alone, and the nature of connections. I have been feeling amplified isolation lately, and seeking out sources of education on the topic, and relief (sometimes desperately). Today I turned to Wondercafe and did a search, which led me to Youth Worker's thread. I read some helpful advice there, including my own, which I had forgotten I'd written.

A's picture



The resident atheist feels his territory encroached upon...

I totally feel chansen's pain.  He thought he was King Atheist on Wondercafe and well, he just might have to face the music, he is simply not the only one. 

And if there are more than one, and if we are going to have some conversations about the difficult differences between us, I think this needs to be addressed"

Why is it so hard for believing Christians to respond to criticisms coming from atheists without feeling personally attacked and disparaged?  

DaveHenderson's picture



iWonder a welcome addition

I for one am happy to see the new iWonder being used to ask some new questions and spark some new debate here at the Cafe'.  I think that in some ways the WC has gotten a little predictable; liberal, conservative, non-believers and others ask questions or start topics meant to stir up others at their tables.  Those for or against the topic  then line up with arms linked like it was a game of British Bulldog and try and break through each others armour. 

