crazyheart's picture




Please don't get me wrong. I am in favor of aid for Haiti. But it leads me to wonder, if citizens, churches, government can dig deep and do this for Haiti, why can't these same institutions erradicate the hunger, day care situations, homeless situations in our own country?


InannaWhimsey's picture



My Haiti Story

Let me tell you my Haiti story.

My teacher is a beautiful man originally from Trinidad.  He's the type of teacher that not just imparts information, but one of those who is on your side, who enjoys teaching and who inspires.  He speaks in such precise tones, necessary because we are transcribing dictation.

Sometime during the week after the Haiti earthquake he tells us a story.

oui's picture



Haiti & Voodoo

 I had a shock today when my 80 year old Mother-in-law, who is a staunch life long United Church lady, suddenly said, 

"You know, I think there is so much trouble in Haiti because of all of the bad voodoo down there."


Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Haiti and God's year to act

France, Claire, and Isabella lost a father, father-in-law, and grandfather in the Haiti earthquake. France’s mother and sister remain in Haiti, waiting for necessary heart medication and more. This family, like many others, hopes that the government of Canada will do for Haitians what Canada has done for others before, temporarily loosening immigration practices to make it possible for families to be reunited.

Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: What a week!

With you, I continue to pray and act from a deep sense of relationship with the people of Haiti. It’s also been a week of responding to enthusiastic (mostly) response to my letter, “Where Is the Hope after Copenhagen?” within media interviews, correspondence, and conversation.

troyerboy's picture



Pictures from Haiti

I posted these links under the "Haiti and Satan" topic, but I thought this was too important to get lost. The following links are the newest pictures from Haiti. One caution is that these pictures are not sanitized, but show the real thing. Some are very graphic, but it is what you would see if you were there

carolla's picture



Discussing disasters with your kids

Saw this article in the Globe & Mail this morning - Just wondering if your kids have been asking about the situation in Haiti?

Do Pat Robertson's bizarre pronouncements hurt Christianity?

Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Where is God in this crisis?


As we witness unimaginable pain and suffering in Haiti, we join with others crying this question and, through our tears, we hear an answer. God is in the most painful moments, the most painful places, weeping with every child, with every mother and father, with every person suffering through this tragedy.

UCC-GCO's picture


Emergency Response: United Church Haiti Earthquake Appeal

January 13, 2010

In response to the humanitarian crisis provoked in Haiti by the serious earthquake on Tuesday, January 12, The United Church of Canada is appealing for donations to support relief and reconstruction efforts. The church has already committed $20,000 to relief efforts by partners in the region.


