Science and Story's picture

Science and Story


Hasten slowly

"Hasten slowly and you will soon reach your destination."   —Milarepa

if.i.were.a.boy's picture



A Woman's Worth

I forgot how draining and time-consuming emotions are, especially when you man up and face 'em. The only chemicals I am 'on' nowadays are legal, God forbid, I go sans caffiene & nicotine. That's the day I lose it and turn into a nun. Then God would be my homeboy and there would be no worry about taking a chastity pledge because I would be a born-again virgin. Only with the amount of corruption I have endured I would be a tainted virgin. Who says you can't forgive yourself and others?
emmalong66's picture



Wanted to share this...

I was looking for another story to post this morning, but came across this one and wanted to share.

