graeme's picture



religion, faith,and reality

An armed Israeli ship has attacked an aid ship in international waters, killing at least nineteen people and injuring dozens more. It was carrying food and medical supples to Palestine. The law calls that piracy and murder.

Is it at all possible that this might been seen in the context of religion and faith?

Nah, it's far more important to discuss basic concepts, like whether Mary might have been a lesbian.

graeme's picture



turning a blind eye to piracy and murder


A heavily armed ship has attacked a civilian ship in international waters, boarded it, and killed at least nineteen people. Those matters are usually defined as piracy and murder.

I had expect to see posts here from the usual pimps for CJC and B'Brith explaining, with unassailable proof, that this was a perfectly legal and necessary act.

Miminally, I expected to see the usual supporters of Israel leaping to its defence. But not a word.

graeme's picture



harper the kiss up, and why

I read an item somewhere on the web, and just lost it. I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me where the story is.

It's about Canadian Jews for Peace in the Middle East. They had set up a tour for a Palestinian speaker who has been here before. The normal time for him to get a Canadian visa was 24 hours. But they applied far in advance this time. And this time the Canadian government, knowing his schedule, postponed the visa until it was too late. CJPME had, of course, to cancel the tour.

graeme's picture



Interesting Israeli Newspaper

THis is just a notice. There is a web site for an Israeli newspaper called Haaretz. It can been very funny, as well as being a devastating critic of the current Israeli government. i's called


graeme's picture



The middle east - a fresh start to a hackneyed subject

Most of the discussion about Israel and Palestine has been nothing more than fuss and bluster. That's because most people who post have little knowledge of the nature of war, and so become suckers for the propaganda of both sides. We get windy statements about international law when, in fact, there is almost no effective international law dealing with this. We get tales of how the "other side" hides behind civilians when, in fact, all urban fighting leads to high civilian casualities, and always has done so.

oui's picture



Scholar Claims Dead Sea Scrolls "Authors" Never Existed

Scholar Claims Dead Sea Scrolls "Authors" Never Existed



Novantae's picture



Scotland and Israel: what's the connection?

In a few weeks I will travel to Scotland and Israel. So, what's the connection? Not sure, but I am about to find out that is for sure. This is my second trip to Israel and my first to Scotland. While in Scotland, I'll be visiting my ancestor's lands of Gigha ( meaning God's Island), Oronsay (the place of St. Columba who is my ancestor via Nial of the Nine Hostages), Colonsay and Iona. In fact, I'll be in Iona for Easter! Lovely.

graeme's picture



Jewish News

This is just a brief notice, though any information you have on it would be welcome.

For news of Israel coming from a Jewish source, I have long relied on the Israeli paper, Haaretz. Today, I added what looks like another good source available on the web. It is and American paper, The Jewish Daily Forward. It carries stories about Israel, and also about Judaism in the US. On what I can guess, based on reading just one copy, it looks impressive - a roughly liberal paper, but withoutout evident prejudice.


graeme's picture



Palestine - asking the right question

We already have a very long thread on Palestine. I have often added to it, and it has probably said as much as can be said for now. But what has bothered me from almost the start is that we may have been neglecting the christian perspective in shaping our thoughts. We have talked almost exclusively about bringing peace to the region and, by connection, who is responsible for what is going on.

carolla's picture



A Jew's prayer for the children of Gaza

I heard this prayer this morning at church, as part of the sermon, and loved it.  Thought it would be interest to some of you here.   I've copied the text from  - an English language Israeli newspaper.

