ninjafaery's picture



Michael Sona Charged in Election Fraud Case

And for balance:

So. Is he just the low hanging fruit or did he orchestrate this monumental feat all by his little 'ole self?
Was he just easy to throw under the bus? (You know those smart-ass young techies can do anything, right?)

graeme's picture



Forgive me for being a nuisance (or don't)

It's early, I know. But this might take some planning and soul-searching.

On Nov. 11, we will all mark the day with pious speeches about how our soldiers volunatrily gave their lives for defend Canadian freedom.

For the moment, let's forget that a lot of them died because military service was the only employment available. I knew many like that when I was a kid. And some joined for the thrill - because they were kids. And some joined to dump their wives and children. I knew a few of th ose.

graeme's picture



public school ranking

The Economist is probably the world's leading, English news commentary magazine. It is also politically conservative. The June 2010 issue has an interview with a Bush Republican, a distinguished educator who designed much of the currently trendy standardized testing of schools, ranking them, adding charter schools - all along the lines advocated by,say, The Fraser Institute and other propaganda fronts for the very rich.
