redbaron338's picture



What do you think?


Bishop John Shelby Spong discussing the purpose of religion.  Your reactions and responses?

mark_andrew78's picture



Leaving Evangelical Fundamentalist Christianity

I'm a 33-year-old guy from Kitchener who grew up in the world of evangelical fundamentalist Christianity. I listened to only Christian music, wore Christian t-shirts, and thought one day I may be a pastor. I went through 3 years of Bible college when serious questions arose, leading to me leaving Christianity altogether.  

If you'd like to view a sermon I gave at my Unitarian congregation last month, you are welcome to do so here. 

mark_andrew78's picture



Leaving Fundamentalist Christianity

Hello Friends,

This is my first post on WonderCafé!  I'm Mark Andrew from Kitchener, Ontario, and I have a fundamentalist evangelical background. I grew up in a small town in southwestern Ontario, then moved here to attend Bible college. Then my theological beliefs started to change drastically, and everything changed.  Actually, I just posted a video on YouTube about it if you'd be interested in checking it out!  I talk about exploring the UCC, Unitarians, and now Unity. I also am inspired by Buddhism and some contemplative Christian authors.  Thanks!

brads ego's picture

brads ego


"Progressive Christianity" vs. Secular Humanism

Is there a difference?


Well, obviously there is a difference, but what about the more "radical" Progressive Christians, such as John S. Spong or United Church Canada's own Gretta Vosper? I've read a lot of Spong's works as well as finishing up Vosper's "With or Without God," and one comes away feeling like they both, more or less, pay lip service to Christianity while there is nothing that really distinguishes them from atheists.

