martha's picture



Deep Green Resistance: Kingston area folk~please consider supporting this effort.

You'd think a guy from the heartland of Canada, Calgary South, would see the value and the skill set development, additionally the Cows and dairy farming, and the very appealing: Lessons Learned Through Hard Work.

redbaron338's picture



What are Hash Browns?

What are Hash Browns?  Are they shredded potatoes?  Sliced and fried?  Plain, or with bacon bits and onions?  Little tiny cubes?  When you serve hash browns, what are they?  When you order them, what do you espect? 


The National Hash Brown Institute is working on a definition, and seeks your input.

redbaron338's picture



Time for a WonderParty

Beautiful evening here.  It's still sunny and warm, no flies or mosquitos yet.  Time to break out the barbeque and grill up some food.  I've got Wonderburgers and,,, well, out of respect for Pommom and others, those are WonderWursts there, NOT hot dogs.  So grab a lawn chair, bring something to pass, eat or drink, and your favourite music (instrument or pre-recorded) and c'mon out to the back yard. 

Mandate's picture


Rx for a Failing Food

It’s clear that our current food system is not sustainable.


Mandate's picture



Rx for a Failing Food

It’s clear that our current food system is not sustainable.
“Around the world, in the wake of recent sudden price spikes in international markets, governments are looking to their own food systems for a more predictable supply,” says Stuart Clark, Senior Policy Advisor of the Winnipeg-based Canadian Foodgrains Bank, of which The United Church of Canada is a member.
“In Canada, the issue is that farmers need better access to local consumers so that Canadians can better value the work of those who pro

Witch's picture



Spring greens

Spring is one of my favorite times of year, for many reasons. One of those reasons is eating wild spring greens. Nothing picks a body up after a long wet winter like a bowl of spring greens soup.


Over the last few weekends we have managed to store away a lot of our favorite. Young nettles, and fiddleheads mostly, with wild raspberry leaves for tea.


gaiagrrl's picture



Pastoral Recipes - If You Can't Share a Prayer, Share a Brownie

Thought the time had come to share some recipes that keep us sane or carbohydratedly placated or happy or revived or bring about memories of old aunts that knew how to cook or grandmothers who didn't but bought great take out... 

musicalmackenzie's picture



All foods go together when you're pregnant

So I've been following Carolla's thread about apple pie with cheese with interest.

Being pregnant I've found that all food goes together. I've eaten some pretty weird combos in the past and now its happening again. This morning breakfast was pop tarts with peanut butter. Last night I was eating cheese cubes and Hersheys kisses.


So for those of you who've been pregnant did you get weird food cravings or eat things in strange combos? What's the strangest thing you've eaten together?

crazyheart's picture



Food and faith

If anyone has the occasion to work in a church or just hang out in a church, food is always available. if there is a meeting - there is food. If there is any kind of gathering - there is food. There is coffee and something after church. There are pot lucks and other hosted meals. There is something to eat - always- in the church fridge.


What is our preoccupation with food?


If you look around a Presbytery and Conference Annual Meeting, there are many overweight folk. Is this because of the availability of food in the church?

