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All My Relations

Here we go folks, another riff brought on by spending time with my nephews while watching some E. O. Wilson ant lovin'. Something that has been gnawing to get out. It is ill-formed, more of a placeholder, but it will serve.

"God is Love"

Which apparently was originally meant "God is agape"

Not God is like agape or God is suffused with agape or God gives out agape but, simply, God is agape.

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Write Your Own Bible!


a heady member of the Church of the Subgenius once said that everyone should, at least once in their lifetime, write their own Bible.

So, for those of you who want to dive in, here is my bit, starting at the beginning. Anyone, feel free to continue with it. You don't have to use my notations or style; you have my blessing to retcon, dact, redact, reredact, etc :3

Chapter One: In the Carnival of Mirthly Delights

1. In the Beginning, there was Something.

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Et Tu, Christos? Part the Last


at last, Part the Last of Et Tu, Christos?

That started with

then went to here

So, the last question for you all to consider is this:

What level(s) of responsibility do I (which means you, the believer) have for any of this?

And that is that,

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Et Tu, Christos? Part the Second

Gentlebeings, this is Part Deux of

Taking what you came up with...

Ready to riff? GO:

What things that exist/have action on the world must be believed in to 'exist/have action on the world'?


In other words, can you think of anything that needs us to believe in it for it to exist/have action on the world?

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Et Tu, Christos? Part the First

Okie sentients, here we go. Riff away on these questions for yousselfs:

In what ways can I say that Jesus did/does Exist?

In what ways can I say that Jesus didn't/doesn't Exist?


Around next Friday, I'll write Part the Second,


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Another Chrissmassy Moment

I have added a new movie to my "Christmas" list. Tis called Hogfather, and is by Terry Pratchett.


Here is an excerpt:



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"They know not what they do: you can lead them to water, but you can't make them drink"

This is written in more-or-less real time.

So there we go, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Word, the Lamb, saying "I'll be back", just like Arnold Schwartznegger. He'll be back in the listeners' lifepan.

So what does that mean?

Perhaps it means simply: He taught those who would listen to the Way, so that the Way could act upon the world. In order for a house to be built, there has to be people to build it. A dictionary is a bunch of meaningless symbols without a person to understand them.

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Getting Your Hands Dirty, Laughing All The Way, or "Models are Divine"

Here I go with the riffing....Here I go with the riffing.

So here I am, having a cup, and thinking aboot my situation.

I am a self-aware being that breaks things up into 'me' and 'not-me'. Me is what I seem to have control over. Not-me tends to be things I don't have control over, like my boi, my house, the sun.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Sauntering down Eschaton Way, I came across a Pict, grooving with Wotan. It was a hit; Wotan lost his eye again

Here we go, onna riff....Here we go, onna riff.

I don't think we were meant ever to take the notion of God literally.

InannaWhimsey's picture



Finally, the God Relusion review

Oh boy. Have I been writing this for a long time. I have taken notes and at first wanted it to be like a travelogue of the book, trying to give a brief overview of what the book is talking aboot,...Oh boy. Have I been writing this for a long time. I have taken notes and at first wanted it to be like a travelogue of the book, trying to give a brief overview of what the book is talking aboot, glossing over each major point.

Then I was having trouble with the 'hook'. Which narrative framework would I use?
