Mardi Tindal's picture

Mardi Tindal


Moderator Mardi Tindal's blog: Conversations at the table

Saturday’s Saskatoon StarPhoenix got it right: I’m boarding the Spirit Express this morning as the means by which to continue participating in all kinds of “conversations at the table.” I am grateful for many opportunities to share myriad concerns and joys of members and leaders, and for the ways your concerns and joys lead you—and me—into deeper participation in God’s healing work.

crazyheart's picture



Spiritually dead

We use words but I want to know meanings. In the "Dead" thread this phrase has been used over and over again - spiritually dead.

What is that?

What is spiritually alive?

Who are we to say that someone is spiritually dead?

Help me out here.


Science and Story's picture

Science and Story


The spirit, er, story of Terry Fox gives me hope

I missed the Terry Fox experience the first time around.

In March, 1980, before Terry started running, I left for a six-month student exchange in México. I returned to Canada on September 5, 1980, four days after he stopped running. When I settled into my seat on my Air Canada return flight from Mexico City, the flight attendant handed me a complimentary copy of the Toronto Sun. The front page carried a picture of Terry Fox. I read his name and thought:

Gray Owl's picture

Gray Owl


Have you met the actual 'spirit' of Jesus?

Marcus Borg estimates that 10-20% of Christians have met the actual 'spirit,' ghost if you will, of Jesus of Nazareth.


How do you react to something like that?


How does it affect you?


Have you met Him?


Are you afraid to talk about it in the Church?

gaiagrrl's picture



Images of Faith

I often find that images, artwork, photos etc will capture something that words cannot.  Are there images that speak to you of your faith - that speak without the aid of words?  I'm curious to see if we can maintain spirit filled thread without words or commentary... 

RevLGKing's picture



THE PNEUMA FACTOR--helping ourselves to health all over--including physical and mental health

Jesus instructed those who chose to be followers of The Way--and this includes us today--not just to preach, but to teach and heal. 


In the light of this I ask: Is our church really serious about  being involved in the healing ministry and the integration of body, mind and spirit so much a part of the ministry of Jesus.?


In our concern, and rightly so, the ecology of our globe let us also include the ecology of our individal bodies.

Shubenacadie United Church



We are called to build a community through

– enthusiastic worship

-  a growing spirituality

-  caring for the people and 

the world around us                     

A welcoming place along your journey.

Sunday services at 10am with Dale Crawford, LPM.





November 15th 1:30pm to 4pm Jam Session

Gala Dinner $20  Date November 25th and 26th

 December 10 - Christmas House Tours

December 13th - Jam Session 1:30pm - 4pm

 December 18th - MacPhee's Corner Carol Service 7pm

December 24th -Christmas Eve Service 7pm

December 25th - Birthday Party for Jesus 10am 

Please join us, ALL are welcome



Shubenacadie United Church



We are called to build a community through

– enthusiastic worship

-  a growing spirituality

-  caring for the people and 

the world around us                     

A welcoming place along your journey.

Sunday services at 10am with Dale Crawford, LPM.





November 15th 1:30pm to 4pm Jam Session

Gala Dinner $20  Date November 25th and 26th

 December 10 - Christmas House Tours

December 13th - Jam Session 1:30pm - 4pm

 December 18th - MacPhee's Corner Carol Service 7pm

December 24th -Christmas Eve Service 7pm

December 25th - Birthday Party for Jesus 10am 

Please join us, ALL are welcome



Shubenacadie United Church
Alex's picture



Some thing Wonderful Happen in Church today

I arrived a few minutes late to church. I had miss placed my iPod touch, and was looking for it before I left. (As I use it to follow along the church service).and I have been having trouble sleeping all week, so I woke up late.  The church was fuller then it had been all summer (or any church service I had been to in the summer), so we had run out of Church Bulletins by the time I arrived.

