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APRIL: Another Peripatetic gvRd Libation Meet

genties & ladlemen of the GVRD,


are you up to another Convivial Sentient Potlatch sometime this April?


Brother BrettA will be swinging our way around then :3


What say you?


Let the planning...begin!

InannaWhimsey's picture



whilst walking in the liquid sunshine

At the bus stop in front of the Winners store at the corner of Robson & Granville is a very fun interactive and prize-giving bus advertizement...


Check it out those who actually can go is the ad wiith the advent calendar telling you to pick one ahead of time...

InannaWhimsey's picture



i choose to believe that life has meaning

the Life of Pi movie is coming out this December


written by a fellow floppy-head


i also choose to believe that life makes sense



InannaWhimsey's picture



on the beauty of being real

genties & ladlemen,


i never hoid of this


a Justin Barley of a faith discussion show Unbelievable invited atheists to take part in the Atheist Prayer Experiment...


71 atheists & agnostics signed up for it


they were asked to pray for a few minutes each day for 40 days during Sept & Oct of 2012 for g_d to reveal himself to them


and of the 71 who signed up:


2 now believe in g_d


2 failed to do the experiment

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30 days

some of you here might be interested in this


a young man spent 30 days living in downtown east side of Vancouver, BC, among the horrific conditions...


Here is his documentary


just go to youtube and look up Streets of'll get a list starting with "Streets of Plenty - 1 of 7 - Vancouver Homeless Doc"


this is one of the brilliant strengths of the internet...



InannaWhimsey's picture



never forget

on this moment of moments,
this perfect moment,
may i never forget those who were willing to shatter their souls
to be taught how to murder
and that those who have taught them to do so
have the obligation for the rest of their lives
to care for them

InannaWhimsey's picture



Blessings & Healings Request

genties & ladlemen,


my mother has been given 3 to 12 months to live; her cancer has progressed to that point.  she says she is ready to go, has everything set up, but, of course, i can tell she doesn't want to go.  thank g_odness she lives in a place and time where she gets to choose -- she's tried various chemo (but not all of them) and, I think, is choosing quality of life over quantity


i ask for blessings for her from those who can and healing for her from those who can, sendings of positive energy and good wishes her way

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"Nanaimo Woman Learns Lesson from Unusual Parking Fine"

genties & ladlemen,

i came across this and just had to share some more Canadiana culture for you (Pilgrims, there will be a test after :3)

InannaWhimsey's picture



thank you, universe

let this thread be a participatory riff, of words, images, poetry, songs, notions, anecdotes, musings, whichevers of the beautiful, wonderfu

InannaWhimsey's picture



cat lovers or scratchware lovers only

genties & ladlemen,


i challenge you to a very strange game of Kitty Punch -- beat 651 points!




