ninjafaery's picture



We Are the Beaver!

... or are we the Polar Bear?


Conservative Senator Nicole Eaton thinks we should get rid of the "dentally defective" beaver -- a "19th century has-been" and chose the "strength, courage, resourcefulnes and dignity" in favour of our current lowly national symbol, the beaver.

This is the ctv version in case anyone thinks it's a leftie plot to ridicule someone who draws a salary of about $250000 a year to come up with this stuff.

crazyheart's picture



hey People, I am having trouble here

I am having trouble  getting my head around the symbolization of the Cross. We talk about it, we have a cross on the altar, we wear them around our neck. but what does it really mean to those who do not take the story literally as written.



What is the significence of the cross and what we are suppose to do with it?
