graeme's picture



public school ranking

The Economist is probably the world's leading, English news commentary magazine. It is also politically conservative. The June 2010 issue has an interview with a Bush Republican, a distinguished educator who designed much of the currently trendy standardized testing of schools, ranking them, adding charter schools - all along the lines advocated by,say, The Fraser Institute and other propaganda fronts for the very rich.

Motheroffive's picture



Do you know about the Centre for Christian Studies?

Hello all,


I just came back from attending the Leadership Development Module (LDM) from the Centre for Christian Studies (CCS). I would highly recommend that anyone wishing to engage in personal and spiritual development, in an environment is deeply inclusive, give this program serious consideration. It's a 12 day program that I experienced as demanding and challenging, while at the same time, profoundly encouraging.


graeme's picture



parent school questionnaires.

About six months ago, my children came home from school with a lengthy questionnaire that I was requested to fill out. All the schools in New Brunswick had it. I read it quickly, then slowed down. It was the most absurd, useless and incompetent questionnaire I had ever seen. One sample question was typical.

"Is your child's teacher working hard to improve standards of education?"

Lynn Elliott's picture

Lynn Elliott


Catch the Vision - An Emerging Spirit

Catch the Vision – An Emerging Spirit



graeme's picture



new blog

I have just started a new blog. The URL is unfortunate. I wrote in when I was angry, then found I could not change it. Anyway, it deals with how and why newspapers mislead us - at least, that's the starting point.


Also a reminder for Moncton and area readers. I have a current events group that meets the first week of each month at Moncton Library at 2:pm. The next meeting, then, is May 6.


crazyheart's picture



Education vs Spirituality

In the last while I have seen statements like "My mother has 5 degrees" or  "I have gone to 3 universities". is that suppose to mean that people who are more educated have a better handle on religious matters?

Does it mean that these folk are more spiritual?

Seems like a put down to me.

meoff66's picture



Parenting Liscence

How would everyone feel about the government implementing a parenting liscence to the expectants?

Alex's picture



Autism and Aspergers

Here is a 1 hour lecture by a women with Autism. She is a best selling author, and in this video explains how autism can effect people, and simply explains the complexness of Autism Spectrum Disorders.It is from my web page, where I have many sorter videos by people in the ASD explain how it effects them.

meoff66's picture



Post Secondary Education

I'm curious to know everyone's level of education and their degree (if applicable).

Jim Kenney's picture

Jim Kenney


The School System

On another discussion thread, the conversation drifted to issues around schools: from fads that assist ambitious ladder climbers through communication between teachers and students to the barriers to schools developing truly educated students.  Here is an invitation to offer what you think is good about our schools, what isn't, and what idealistically or realistically can be done to improve schools.

