Rowan's picture



An Interesting Take on Fundamentalism

I ran across this while reading the blog of a Pagan Quaker (Yes there is such a thing, yes it's a different discussion).  It's part of the Faith and Practice statement of a particular Christan Quaker group called Freedom Friends


Darrel Tessier's picture

Darrel Tessier


What is NOT the Gospel?

When I first became a Christian ("accepting Jesus as my Savior!") I read the Bible with a group of fundamentalists who interpreted the scripture in a "face-value" kind of way similar to what one hears on some posts and by TV evangelists and from many pulpits too.

Darrel Tessier's picture

Darrel Tessier


Is christian fundamentalism (american style) really a heresy?

Is right-wing, American christian fundamentalism a Christian Heresy? It invokes the name of the Xtian God while waging war, enriching the rich, oppressing the poor, polluting the planet and promoting american consumerist society?? George W. Bush espoused being "born again" while lying to the world about WMD and sending troops into Iraq. Apparently there was a weekly Bible study in the WhiteHouse during his tenure. He even used biblical language calling the muslim fanatics who oppose the West "evildoers." All this religious-political hype.

Darrel Tessier's picture

Darrel Tessier


Is Hell Eternal?

Here's an interesting take on the theme of Eternal Salvation/Eternal Damnation I came across. Hell IS eternal!" It must be because it guarantees human freedom and human choice. Without choice there is no love. God is Love - eternal Love. We must have the freedom to choose God but also to not choose God or else we're not doing so willingly and not out of Love! Hell guarantees our freedom. This line of thinking leaves the question... "does anyone spend eternity in Hell?" I guess theoretically, maybe.

Alex's picture



John 14:6, Abbott and Costello, and Stewie from the Family Guy

John 14:6 (New International Version)

 6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Many people claim that this passage to supports the view, that Jesus is claiming that the only way to God, or happiness, or goodness is by following him (Jesus).

evensong's picture



Light Effects

Fundamentalism is very controlling, but sometimes just out of sheer ignorance--when I learned to read, I was an insatiable reader.  I read anything left in my reach, so I read a lot--no one stopped me; the problem though was that there was nothing to reach for.  I do remember there was a book by John Ruskin on my fundamentalist grandparents' shelves.  My non-religious grandparent had a whole room of books, but I was not allowed in there.  Too bad.  It was a nice sunny room with a view. 