chemgal's picture



Gender Specific Locations

What laws (if any) are there about washrooms, change rooms, and other such places when they are specified for one gender/sex?  I'm not even sure which is the right term here.


If there are any laws, how does this apply to those who are transgendered, intersexed, etc.?


What about age and disability?

chemgal's picture



Is objectification as issue?

This comes from the discussion in R&F about comments made about women's clothing choices and rape.


Is objectification a problem?  Is it natural?


Does one gender instinctually objectify more than the other?

jlin's picture



BDSM Fifty Shades of Grey YOU on sex

Has anyone read Fifty Shades of Grey?  Have you noticed a strange change in your community this spring/summer with relation to the general population's reaction to this online trilogy?


Has anyone noticed a return to the early 90s when everyone was playing "spank" and walking around with their hands on their tails as if they had just been spanked?


Mendalla's picture



The Song of Solomon - whatcha think?

gecko46 wrote:

I also explained that it can be interpreted as "an allegory of Christ's love for the church".

More raised eyebrows......


The whole "The Song of Solomon is an allegory for Christ/God's Love" interpretation just doesn't fly with me. It smacks of a an effort to justify the book's presence by underplaying the book's real subject. While it may make the book more palatable as a part of the canon, it also neuters the real power of the text.


RevJamesMurray's picture



Called to a new purpose

Called to a new purpose.

Text: First Corinthians 6:12-20

Sterton's picture



Amish (Rumspringa)


Camron's picture



Pro-life and Contraception

I was just wondering what peoples opinion was on being prolife and using contraception? Many contraceptive pills destroy the egg that has already been fertilized and has attached to the uterus wall. To be pro-life you beleive that life begins at conception.  Therefore, to be prolife and to use some contraception would be contridictory.

Satyagraha's picture



Sexual needs.

  If you are now alone & it seems unlikely that you will be able or willing to try to establish a real relationship with someone of the opposite gender in the near future (or perhaps even for a quite a while), perhaps due to the recent ending of a relationship, what can one do to block or divert one's natural human desire for sex (with a person of the opposite gender)?  Is it necessary to ignore such urges?  What does the Bible say about this?

Boots's picture



When do you start to really tell your kids about drugs and sex?

My kids are now 4 and 7 and I know that my youngest is still too young for the big talk but what about my oldest?


I want to protect him and let him have a long childhood but with drug useage starting in Grade 5 and children being sexually active with eachother at the tender age of 12 how do I do this?


Do I start with "If your Grade Five buddy offers you candy off of a sheet of paper..........." or "Always ask your Daddy or I if it is okay to eat somthing even if given to you by a freind because......"

