Faerenach's picture



59 cents for Refugee Healthcare

Hey everyone!


Have people heard of this whole 59 cent campaign?  (See here if not:


It's in reaction to one of the (many) cuts in the omnibus budget bill (getting passed tomorrow, is it?) that basically takes away refugee healthcare coverage for preventative diagnostics, etc.  Ultimately it boils their coverage down to travel-insurance-like needs, where only emergency situations are covered. 

DKS's picture



The Death of the Christian Faith Is Overstated in Canada

Guess what/


Christianity in Canada isn't dying. Especially the Roman Catholic Church. Reg Bibby sugests that the Roman Catholic Church will grow and change.


So will all other denominations.

Canda is still a dominantly Chriustian country.


Immigration will positively affect the Roman Catholic Church and to a lesser extent, other churches.


We need not fear other faiths. They will increase, but not as anyone has been predicting.


paynedaniel's picture



Separated Because of Immigration

 I don't know if this has to do with religion and faith to most people or not, but it certainly does to me. My husband and I moved to Canada in May 2009 so that I could attend seminary in preparation for the ministry. Since then, the rules for permanent residency in Canada have changed, and one of us must be offered a full-time job before we can apply for permanent residency. Therefore, he has had to move back to South Korea (his country of residence) to support my educational costs (I am a US citizen).

revolve's picture



Kingston, ON canal murders

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and am looking for a few other ideas about this whole scenario.


The recent Kingston canal murders of four women of colour are still under investigation, but formal charges have been laid against the father, mother, and brother of three of the victims (with the fourth suspected of being a first wife of the father).

