redhead's picture



Please say a Prayer

Dear Wonder Friends,


As some of you may know, I have been in hospital since April.


eyesgluedshut's picture



Goodnight Sweet Child, We'll Meet One Day

I do not have any theories tonight. I do not have any opinions. No scriptures, no reviews, no complaints and no insights.
Tonight I am just filled with hopeless questions that are simply unanswerable in this world. I search for reasons and explanations and justification for unjust natural events.

Tonight...I attempt not to stray.

happybee22's picture



Do we live more than one life? - Please Help!

Okay, so I am doing an ISU for philosophy and I was wondering if anyone could help! Its the evolution of an idea, so I pick a question and basically try to answer it or get new insight at the very least. I chose the question "Do we live more than one life?", so if you have any thoughts to add or would like to discuss then please post! Thanks for your help!

Tragicfalls's picture



Where do you think you'll go when you die?

Where will we go when we die? Heaven? Hell? Spirit World? or do we just rot in the ground?

This question has always bothered me.

I do believe there is a God, but no Heaven or Hell. Does that make me a bad person? I do believe there is a afterlife for us, but where?

When people died 2100-3000 years ago, where did they go if Jesus wasn't born yet?


Sorry for all these  questions, I'm not a very religious person.

crazyheart's picture



Jesus Fortells His death and Resurrection - Mark 8:31

Does anyone want to comment on  this passage " Those who are ashamed of me and of my words in this adultrous and sinful generation, of them the Son of Man will also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" Verse 38 NRSV


Any help will be appreciated.

Serena's picture



Jesus' Death on the Cross

So, in short the atonement theory is that Jesus died for our sins in place of us who deserved to die.  Jesus is the Son of God who came to earth only to die so that we could go to Heaven.  He was the sacrificial lamb.  The last one we need.  Jesus committed no sin so He was qualified to die in everyone's place.


Aerogal's picture



Death at Christmas time

On December 20th my neighbour's eight year old daughter died.  She had Rhett's syndrome and if I understand everything correctly the girl's respitory system and heart muscles were getting weaker.


I remember when the baby was born she seemed normal for the first year and then began regressing.  The first diagnosis was autism.  The next was t-retts.  The final diagnosis was when the girl was in Kindergarten and carried a death sentence for before the girl would turn 10.


Serena's picture



Life Changes after a Death

This will be the first Christmas that I ever spent without my Dad.  The whole month of December was hard.  Listening to Christmas Carols in the malls and looking at Christmas decorations only brought back painful memories.  Last night only Christmas shows were on tv and only Christmas music was playing on the radio.


franota's picture



The season of new life....

On the news today, there was a report of a WalMart employee in Long Island who was trampled to death when a crowd of shoppers broke down the doors of the store, at 5 a.m. and surged in. A pregnant woman, and two other people were also injured in the stampede.

These were probably ordinary people, out early on "Black Friday", the day after Thanksgiving in the US, when stores offer huge bargains on Christmas shopping. Essentially it's the equivalent of our Boxing Day.

Gordie_boy's picture



The Choking Game

A couple in our congregation have lost a wonderful grandson to the choking game.  This is creating a temporary "high" through asphyxiation, often done in small groups and, unfortunately, by some individuals on their own.  The byword is often secrecy so that adults and others never find out.  It is often called the "good kid's high" because it doesn't (usually) involve drugs or alcohol.   Too often it is seen as harmless by participants because no one is hurt.  Unfortunately, some die, too many.  Have any of you out there been involved i
