Pinga's picture



I wish....

I wish.....

that I believed in a God that could cause miracles to occur in spontaneous healing

that I believed in a God that could reverse the clock

that I believed that the power of prayer would magically cause God to intervene in awful situations


but I don't

I own that chaos occurs in this world

that shit happens to people and it shouldn't



but, oh, how i wish

Pinga's picture



Helping Others -- Cancer Treatments

Hi folks


I know there are wise and compassionate folks on this site.


I also recognize that there are those who have lived through tough times..when just breathing was about all that you were up to.



I am hoping that all you wise people will list out ideas for supporting folks who are going through treatments or their families.  Of course, it doesn't have to be cancer treatments; however, I figure it is one of the more common scenarios that you might think of

Alex's picture



Three Simple and Low cost Ways To Make Your Faith Community Accessible

 One thing I have learned is that often I give people too much information at one time, and people are overwhelmed.

graeme's picture



Russell Williams

This evening, on TV, I watched Russell Williams in the interrogation room as he talked about what he had done. I felt sickness and hopelessness and something much more terrible than disgust; and I felt an indescribable sadness.

How does a Christian react to this?

gen2b2's picture



a dear friend with mental illness...

Hi all-I'm new here and looking to connect with united church or like-minded people in discussions about lots of stuff.

but right now I'm going to make it all about me!

my dear two roomates, God bless them, are hard-nosed, ultra-conservative, fire and brimstone christians who belong to the (I AM NOT EXAGGERATING: slightly fascist) organization known as my university's chapter of Campus for Christ.

they both think the UCC is a tiny, crazy, liberal organization that practically does not qualify as Christian.

Alex's picture



One Week -- Is Canada God?

I was home in bed, sick, and I needed something to watch. Having cancelled my cable TV a few years ago, I decided to give Itune movies a try and I found One Week.. It appealed to me as it was the story of one week in Ben Tyler (Joshua Jackson) life. A Toronto man in his mid twenties engaged to be married, just starting out in his career as a teacher and writer. The film starts with him being diagnosed with an aggressive cancer that is in stage 4.   With treatment  the Doctor gives him a 10% chance of beating it.

Alex's picture



One Week -- Is Canada God?

I was home in bed, sick, and I needed something to watch. Having cancelled my cable TV a few years ago, I decided to give Itune movies a try and I found One Week.. It appealed to me as it was the story of one week in Ben Tyler (Joshua Jackson) life. A Toronto man in his mid twenties engaged to be married, just starting out in his career as a teacher and writer. The film starts with him being diagnosed with an aggressive cancer that is in stage 4.   With treatment  the Doctor gives him a 10% chance of beating it.

crazyheart's picture



Evil vs Ill

I know that there are people across the world who are evil (but I can say that in my life I have not met many)


There are also ill people who do evil things. But does that make them evil? ( If so, I have met many in my life).


So when does ill become evil?


Just pondering after the shooting at Fort Bragg.

somegirl's picture



My mother is sick again

My mother's health is rapidly deteriorating again.  On Dec 29/07 she had emergency brain surgery for an agressive kind of brain cancer.  She recovered fantastically but was given 7-17 months to live.  It was 17 months in May.  I am grateful for the time that we were given with her but now her mental state is about what it was when she had her surgery.  I really don't think that she has much time left. 


redhead's picture



Please say a Prayer

Dear Wonder Friends,


As some of you may know, I have been in hospital since April.

