Meowsilbub's picture



Will an agnostic and christian relationship work? -family issues!!!

I'm asking this to get opinions from hopefully open-minded people.

GRR's picture



"Progressive" .... or "Spiritual"?

A recent discussion about definitions got me thinking about this -


People describe themselves as "spiritual but not religious", which I understand as a phrase rejecting doctrine and dogma but not Christian faith.


The progressive Christian movement likewise seeks to get beyond doctrine and the baggage that Christian terminology carries with it to return to the Message that underlies.


Dawn.wonderer's picture



Christian dating an Agnostic

 I'm looking for some advice from practicing Christians.

I'm a Christian, and come from a very strict Christian home. I've been dating someone outside my faith secretly for 2 months, because my family and church are openly against interfaith relationships.

My personal belief on this is that my boyfriend's morals and beliefs are similar to mine, but he has not attended a church since he was young and is not saved. But our beliefs are similar enough that the practical issues of inter-faith relationships are not really an issue.

Anonymous's picture




Hi, I'm new here and I realize that this not the kind of Christian forum that I have expected (pretty critical towards the Bible and basic principles of Christianity).

So I was curious whether there are some here that tend to be more conservative leaning (evangelical or charismatic) in the United Church. as you know, they are the ones that are growing pretty fast.

I also want to know what you think about evangelicals and if you think that they fulfill their stereotypes.

Pinga's picture




I was at a workshop last night for "Appreciative Inquiry".



It was pretty good, but as part of it the dialogue on forgiveness came up.



One statement was that forgiveness does not equal  reconciliation.




How do you define forgiveness?



If you forgive someone, is it necessary to let the person you forgive know, or is forgiveness something that is totally inward.


Shubenacadie United Church



We are called to build a community through

– enthusiastic worship

-  a growing spirituality

-  caring for the people and 

the world around us                     

A welcoming place along your journey.

Sunday services at 10am with Dale Crawford, LPM.





November 15th 1:30pm to 4pm Jam Session

Gala Dinner $20  Date November 25th and 26th

 December 10 - Christmas House Tours

December 13th - Jam Session 1:30pm - 4pm

 December 18th - MacPhee's Corner Carol Service 7pm

December 24th -Christmas Eve Service 7pm

December 25th - Birthday Party for Jesus 10am 

Please join us, ALL are welcome



Shubenacadie United Church



We are called to build a community through

– enthusiastic worship

-  a growing spirituality

-  caring for the people and 

the world around us                     

A welcoming place along your journey.

Sunday services at 10am with Dale Crawford, LPM.





November 15th 1:30pm to 4pm Jam Session

Gala Dinner $20  Date November 25th and 26th

 December 10 - Christmas House Tours

December 13th - Jam Session 1:30pm - 4pm

 December 18th - MacPhee's Corner Carol Service 7pm

December 24th -Christmas Eve Service 7pm

December 25th - Birthday Party for Jesus 10am 

Please join us, ALL are welcome



Shubenacadie United Church
martha's picture



Wed. 9-09-09 Bloor St. U.C:seminar for Christian Women & Leaders on issues related to abuse

For information, in a Christian context, on rights for women in relationships that are abusive (for women, and those in Christian leadership roles).


Patrick_qc's picture



How I became evangelical christian

I became to follow Christ when I go to Cegep. I meet Jesus in a catholic charismatic meeting. This was before my coming out. After my conversion, I decide to improve my knowledge of my faith. I follow course on catholicism with Opus Dei. After two years, I have finish my Cegep and I decide to work for Christ. I go to Montreal University in theology studies. At the same time, I decide to become a priest in a religious community.

CanadianStorm's picture



What is the point of Genesis 22:1-18

As I stand at the Crossroad in my life with the choice to go the Christian path or to continue on my path to Enlightenment, I stand confused, pondering, because I want, with all my heart, to bring Jesus back into my life. But I have questions, one in which is, what is the point of Genesis 22:1-18? Being a father myself to one child not unlike Abraham, I have to state that if God advised me of the same as he did with Abraham I would blatantly say NO!!! Then I guess after taking cover I would try and have a conversation with God asking him why? Do you not see my loyalty to you?

Gay Christians


I've created a group for those of us who are gay and christian.  This group is one that embraces the need for spirituality within the gay community.  This is NOT a hate group or intended to be one that embraces hate!  All respectful discussions are welcome!


To tell you about myself, I consider myself to be a Christian man.  I grew up in a Roman Catholic home, and suffice it to say, you can take the boy out of the church but not the church out of the boy!  I feel that my religion has failed me.  To be honest, ostracised me.  I am 32 years old, and I am in a relationship with a wonderful man whom I adore.  We will be getting married in a United Church in our home town.


I believe that God is a loving, all accepting God.  I believe that I was created in his image, and that is not necessarily a straight image.  I believe that an all loving God would never condemn me to hell for something so simple as LOVE.  That being said, I am not saying lust, I am saying love. 


There are wonderful things about religion!  Many good things come out of religion.  The basic fundamentals of religion are to "love one another".  No more, no less.  To a lot of gay people, they feel that the church has failed them.  They feel that they have been subject to hate and bigotry.  Given the patriarchal nature of most religion and our world, it's no wonder that homosexuality is not embraced. 


I can not tell you the number of times someone has dictated verses from the Bible... the Sodom and Gomorrah story, the countless verses about homesexuality being an abomination, etc.  To which I reply, yes.  They are there.  Most being from the Old Testament.  None of which have come directly from Jesus Himself!  Christ said not one word about homosexuality.  Furthermore, seeing as the Bible was written 300 years after Christ's Crucifiction, then translated from language to language.  Then if I'm not mistaken, adopted by the Roman Empire as truth and fact.  No wonder our world is a patriarchal society that doesn't embrace homosexuality, let alone women's right, etc. 


Christ made it simple, "LOVE ONE ANOTHER"!  If we'd just do that, wouldn't we be a better world?  A world that would have less hate, and more acceptance?  I think so, do you?


I've created a group for those of us who are gay and christian.  This group is one that embraces the need for spirituality within the gay community.  This is NOT a hate group or intended to be one that embraces hate!  All respectful discussions are welcome!


To tell you about myself, I consider myself to be a Christian man.  I grew up in a Roman Catholic home, and suffice it to say, you can take the boy out of the church but not the church out of the boy!  I feel that my religion has failed me.  To be honest, ostracised me.  I am 32 years old, and I am in a relationship with a wonderful man whom I adore.  We will be getting married in a United Church in our home town.


I believe that God is a loving, all accepting God.  I believe that I was created in his image, and that is not necessarily a straight image.  I believe that an all loving God would never condemn me to hell for something so simple as LOVE.  That being said, I am not saying lust, I am saying love. 


There are wonderful things about religion!  Many good things come out of religion.  The basic fundamentals of religion are to "love one another".  No more, no less.  To a lot of gay people, they feel that the church has failed them.  They feel that they have been subject to hate and bigotry.  Given the patriarchal nature of most religion and our world, it's no wonder that homosexuality is not embraced. 


I can not tell you the number of times someone has dictated verses from the Bible... the Sodom and Gomorrah story, the countless verses about homesexuality being an abomination, etc.  To which I reply, yes.  They are there.  Most being from the Old Testament.  None of which have come directly from Jesus Himself!  Christ said not one word about homosexuality.  Furthermore, seeing as the Bible was written 300 years after Christ's Crucifiction, then translated from language to language.  Then if I'm not mistaken, adopted by the Roman Empire as truth and fact.  No wonder our world is a patriarchal society that doesn't embrace homosexuality, let alone women's right, etc. 


Christ made it simple, "LOVE ONE ANOTHER"!  If we'd just do that, wouldn't we be a better world?  A world that would have less hate, and more acceptance?  I think so, do you?
