RevPeterLougheed's picture



What? Me worry? (Sermon 1 March, 2009)

         “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”

LumbyLad's picture



Is God Evolving With Its Creation?

All that I am really sure of is that some Creative Force, with some intelligent intent began with the creation of our Universe. Now that I have said this, I even wonder if I am stuck in "time talk", and this universe was always there, "unfolding as it should". However, the idea that it moves towards a higher level of complexity over time has also stuck with me, indicating some kind of "intent" or "direction" within a time frame context. So this becomes my Creative God.

brads ego's picture

brads ego


Excerpts From a Dark Night

April 13, 2003.

Why are we born so far from home? Why is it so hard to travel on that narrow path and enter that tiny gate?… Sometimes the path is covered by so much debris that it is impossible to decipher where we are to go. I just want to see a little bit of the road. Why do my feet lead me down another path? Have I turned away the light beneath my feet? Am I looking too far ahead rather than the imminent path?… Deliver me from my own shadows… Open my eyes…

April 30, 2003.

The Church of jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons).

Welcome to our group! We are member of The Church of Jesus christ of Latter Day Saints known by many as the " Mormons". We have approx 12 million members worldwide. We welcome you to join our group and meet fellow members. We ask that you keep Gospel standards in your speech and content. This is NOT a site for official Church doctorine. Please visit , the  official website for more information about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (you can aslo access local meethouses and meeting times from the site). Thank-you.

Kamloops United Church

421 St. Paul St
HRIFT STORE – Open Monday to Friday – 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Postal Code:
V2C 2J7
tel: 250-372-3020
fax: 250-374-5368

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Kamloops United Church

franota's picture



Too much prayer?

This past week a ministry colleague of mine emailed that she had been told by some people in her congregation that there was "too much prayer" in the service, and they thought she was using prayer as a cover for being "unprepared" for worship.

Methods and Results of Spiritual Healing

Peace, love, guidance, healing and prosperity to all people of good will.

GOD has given me the Gifts of Spirit, including healing.

I am a semi retired writer, printer, publisher, pastor, inventor, etc.

- Pastor William

brads ego's picture

brads ego


Is Heaven Bogus?

Most of my best ideas come to me while in the shower. Most of my worst ideas also come to me while in the shower. My point – most of my ideas comes to me while in the shower. Like most epiphanies, especially ones that happen in the shower, this one could easily be shot down with one sentence – I am looking for that one sentence. So theists, please help me with this one. This is not an argument against the existence of god/God/G-d. It is an argument against the incompatibility of earthly suffering and heaven.
