crazyheart's picture



What does God have to say about this?

There have been armed conflict forever where countries and people fight each other for noble reasons - to protect country and families or because of political or religious reasons. I'm not saying this is right but this is what happens.


But there are always the factions who do not want killing to end. They are sadistic and haven't even got a justifiable cause to  attribute the killing to..


What does God have to say about this?

We yearn for peace in the world but how?

Is God showing  us a way?

crazyheart's picture



Love God, Love Self, Love Neighbour -Can we chat?

This is the gratest commandment according to Matthew - You shall love the Lord Your God with all you heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbour as yourself

I have been thinking about this and I wonder if the crux in this is loving your self in all that you do and how you live. If you don't like yourself, how can you love God. And if you don't like yourself, how can you be a good neighbour? 

Zerlina's picture



Why Does God Need A Starship?

If you are familaar with Star Trek V, The Undiscovered Country, the plot is that Spock's half brother is trying to find God.  God is beyond the Barrier that legend says that no starship can go beyond.  Apparently, this being was communicating with Sybock, Spock's half brother, and told him that the barrier could be crossed.


evensong's picture



Is Jesus God or Not?

As I was reading Fakirs Canada's blog and the ensuing thread, I kept remembering my own experience.  As a very young child in an evangelical fundamental dispensational church in southern California, down in the land of Tim Lahay and Hal Lindsey and at a time when they were just bursting on to the scene, I soaked in the Sunday School facts I was fed weekly, that Jesus was God's son, an equal part of the Triune deity called the godhead.  I assumed they were right, after all they were the grown ups, right?

Neo's picture




The following is one of the most comprehensive and, relatively, one of the most concise descriptions of God that I've ever read. It may seem a little convoluted in parts but with reflection it may serve to enlighten.


It's divided into three major postulations, which the author, the Master DK, is asking the reader to accept as basic principals or fundamental axioms underlying all we know about the Universe. 


The following is the first of these three postulates:


Fakirs Canada's picture

Fakirs Canada


What is 'God' for us, and, how can we discern what is true?

I have realized that the last topic I posted on this forum, 'is Jesus God,' brought up the question "What is God?"  The last few comments on that thread addressed the concepts of truth and lies, and the spiritual dangers in mistaking one for the other.  Perhaps nowhere is that mistake so dangerous than in the area of worship and prayer.  I don't have a 'unified theory' of God.  On the one hand, I have worked with attempts to come closer to the divine through sacred teachings about the attributes of the divine: 

GRR's picture



Being Good fro Goodness' Sake - Pew Forum

Pew Forum Survey

I subscribe to the Pew Research mailing list and thought this might be a timely and interesting topic. If I've set it up right, there should be a linked graph in this topic as well as a link to the article on the Pew Forum site.


Fakirs Canada's picture

Fakirs Canada


Is Jesus God?

One of the thorniest topics, even for Christians, I think, has been to come to terms with what the Bible has to say regarding the nature of Jesus Christ.  Jesus refers to himself, not as 'Lord' but as the 'son of Man.'   "For the son of Man is lord of the sabbath."  (Matthew 12:8)  He also refers to himself as the son of God, for example, Mark 14:36 "Abba, Father, all things are possible for you." 

franota's picture



The season of new life....

On the news today, there was a report of a WalMart employee in Long Island who was trampled to death when a crowd of shoppers broke down the doors of the store, at 5 a.m. and surged in. A pregnant woman, and two other people were also injured in the stampede.

These were probably ordinary people, out early on "Black Friday", the day after Thanksgiving in the US, when stores offer huge bargains on Christmas shopping. Essentially it's the equivalent of our Boxing Day.

robakapastorrob's picture



Morality pointing to God

Hey all,

I listen to a certain speaker on the internet regularly.  He answers a certain question in an interesting way.  The questioner will usually say something like: "How can a good god.....?"  The question is usually asked to show that God does not exsist.  The answer that this speaker gives goes something like this:
