crazyheart's picture




We  throw this word around a lot as Christians. Forgiveness. If we love God and if we love neighbour as self, then, it makes sense to me that if  someone asks for forgiveness for something they have done, as people of the faith, we are obligated to forgive.

But how many times do we forgive , everytime - even if it is the same offence that is being asked to be forgiven over and over?


efficient_cause's picture



Can somebody actually be "de-baptized"?

Here's an interesting article from Time Magazine:,8599,1891230,00.html


Like the subject header says, can someone really be "de-baptized"? It seems to me, like the bishop says in the article, it's really something between someone and God, or, if you don't believe in God, in a person's own heart and mind.

Why then the need for a certificate?

crazyheart's picture




BLASPHEMY - abuse of or contempt for God or sacred things


Jesus was even accused of blasphemy in Matthew 9:3 when he claimed to be the Son of God.


So, then, when we watch vids of Jesus and God and laugh; bobbleheaded Jesus, buttons, bumperstickers, signs,when we mock other religion's rituals and traditions ( as they may mock ours), when we dance in the sanctuary , and a million other examples that I could name, is this blasphemy?

What, then, is the punnishment for blasphemy? Or is blasphemy for one not blasphemy for another?

crazyheart's picture



Achoo - Bless You

What is a blessing?

Do all blessings originate with God?

Is a blessing " to make Holy or sacred"?

Do we use this word indiscriminately?

Is it our word to use?

Or is it just a word?

Kinst's picture



Does Christianity make people Conservative?

I've been thinking about something recently. Does Christianity make people conservative? Sometimes it seems like christian and conservative are so intertwined that they mean the same thing. Is it an unnatural relationship? If it's not christianity that does it; where do conservatives come from? Is it different churches that are at fault? Old people vs young? Lots of people from my generation want nothing to do with christianity because the association is so strong.


crazyheart's picture



Creator God - Does a creator control?

create: cause to be, originate,produce, invent

creation: the act of creating, anything created

creator: a person who creates, The Creator - God.

creature: anything created, a person who is completely under the influence of another ( Dictionary of Canadian English)


So, does a Creator Control?


Two people create a third but as that child grows even though the two people can show, teach, and offer suggestions, the third person is not under their control.


Freundly-Giant's picture



Women in the church

I'm pretty much positive that this has been discussed before, but I'm too lazy to go dig it up. Onb another thread, the argument of whether or not women should be allowed as leaders in the church came up. So, this is the thread to dicuss this on. What is your inturpretation of what the bible says for and against women?How do you feel about churchs that allow or disallow women into ministry?

crazyheart's picture



Here is a question for those who have answers.

I am asking this question about God. In the Hebrew scriptures God seems to be vengeful, cruel, and a hundred other adjectives but when we start reading the new Testemament, it is,as if, God has had a transformation. God is a loving God, a compassionate God, protecting and caring.

Did God change or did we, the people of God, change?

Did the man, Jesus, bring about the change in how we view God?

Is God of the Old Testement and God of the New Testement the same God or is our perception that has changed?

I would really like to get my head around some of this.

Alex's picture



Cindy, an encounter with the Christian God?



This is one of my favorite video. I look at it when I need inspiration and reinforcement im my belief that God exists. In this video God is called Cindy. It shows to me that people are important and can make a difference.
